New Urbanism Chapter Founder to Teach at Midwest Summit
The National Consortium for Creative Placemaking
Thursday October 10, 2019
Location: Cincinnati, OH
Join the founding member of the Midwest Chapter of the Congress for New Urbanism for a session on new urbanism and creative placemaking at the Midwest Creative Placemaking Leadership Summit in Cincinnati Oct. 10-12.
Jocelyn Gibson will teach a breakout session on restoring the vibrancy of downtowns in the Midwest. She’ll discuss how planning frameworks often fail to adequately accommodate mixed-use development, public art, attractive street scaping and many other facets that beautify shared spaces. The workshop will explore how cities can better accommodate creative placemaking within their planning frameworks, and how citizens can become involved.
The Summit will gather civic and arts leaders from across 12 midwestern states for three days of connection, inspiration and learning. All sessions have been approved for certificate maintenance credits. Register by Oct. 1 at midnight Eastern Daylight Time to avoid the late fee.
Gibson founded the Midwest Chapter of the Congress for New Urbanism and now serves as chairperson. She is employed by Calfee Zoning, a consultancy specializing in zoning, planning, historic preservation, and economic development. Before joining the firm she was a real estate portfolio strategist at CBRE and city planner with the City of Cincinnati’s Planning Department. She is also the President of the North College Hill Board of Zoning Appeals. Outside of work she volunteers at the Camp Washington Community Garden and is passionate about healthy food access in her neighborhood.
For more information on sessions please visit
Posted September 19, 2019
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