If you want to enhance Midwestern communities through local arts and culture, you're not alone...
The National Consortium for Creative Placemaking
Thursday October 10, 2019
Location: Cincinnati, OH
WebsiteCreative Placemaking Leadership Summits are the place to be to connect with leaders, decision-makers and key influencers who work to enhance quality of life, economic opportunity, and social capital through local arts and culture. At a Summit, you might find yourself sitting next to grantmakers, heads of cultural organizations, urban planners, developers, public officials or more.
The 2019 Midwest Creative Placemaking Leadership Summit http://www.cpcommunities.org/midwest will be in Cincinnati October 10 to 12. Through training sessions, peer exchanges and other experiences, you can explore how creative placemaking can address issues such as public health, climate change and social change and build more inclusive communities.
If you've never been to a Creative Placemaking Leadership Summit, you're in for a pleasant surprise. They usually attract about 200 to 300 participants (enough to make good connections) from a region, and you have plenty of time to make connections. Plus, the sessions are interesting, informative and engaging.
More than 90% of Summit attendees surveyed said they enjoyed their experience, made valuable connections, and got valuable knowledge.
Book early to save on the 2019 Midwest Creative Placemaking Leadership Summit. The three-day event is set to happen in Cincinnati Oct. 10-12 during the city’s spectacular multi-day Blink festival.
AICP CM credits will be pursued for all learning sessions.
Posted August 9, 2019
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