Newark, New Jersey: Renovating a Historic Landmark for Revitalizing Downtown
HUD User publishes a series of case studies based on federal, state, and local strategies that increase affordable housing opportunities and support community development. The projects and community development efforts featured in these reports have demonstrated innovation through a multitude of partnerships and initiatives.
L+M Development Partners redeveloped the landmark Hahne & Co. Department Store into a vibrant mix of housing, retail, and cultural uses in Newark's downtown historic district. Completed in 2017, the mixed-use setting blends mixed-income housing with retail, commercial, and educational uses. With the addition of a new 9-story building to the historic building, the residential space offers 96 market-rate units and 64 affordable units for households earning up to 40 and 60 percent of the area median income. Nonresidential uses include the city's first Whole Foods Market, the only full service grocery store in the area, and a university-community collaborative arts space operated by Rutgers University. The Hahne & Co. project won several awards, including a 2017 Jack Kemp Excellence in Affordable and Workforce Housing Award from the Urban Land Institute.
Visit HUD User's Case Studies page to learn more about downtown revitalization efforts through affordable housing and historic rehabilitation and to view other promising examples of how communities across the nation are raising the bar on community development.
Posted October 31, 2018
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