PD&R Quarterly Update: Landlord Participation in the HCV Program – September 20, 2018
HUD's Office of Policy Development and Research
Thursday September 20, 2018
Research shows that stable, decent, and affordable housing, particularly housing in a safe neighborhood with a good school, is highly beneficial for the health and safety of adults and for the economic future of their children. The Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program was established to provide housing assistance and to allow low-income households choice of where to live. That choice depends on landlords willing to accept housing vouchers. Recent research shows that there are elements of the program that discourage landlord participation, which can limit tenant choice and success at leasing units. Please join us for a discussion of that research and hear from landlords about what HUD can do to make the HCV program more appealing to them.
Keynote Speaker
- Secretary Ben Carson, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Update on U.S. Housing Market Conditions
- Kevin Kane, Chief Housing Market Analyst, Economic Market Analysis Division
Discussion: Landlord Participation in the HCV Program
- Steven Durham, Director, Housing Voucher Programs, Office of Public and Indian Housing, Moderator
- Daryl J. Carter, Founder, Chairman and CEO, Avanath Capital Management, LLC
- Mary K. Cunningham, Vice President, Metropolitan Housing and Communities Policy, Urban Institute
- Ron McCoy, Director, Housing Choice Voucher Program, District of Columbia Housing Authority
- Eva Rosen, Assistant Professor, McCourt School of Public Policy, Georgetown University
Panelist Mary K. Cunningham is among the authors of a new HUD-sponsored study of landlord voucher acceptance in five cities: Philadelphia; Los Angeles; Fort Worth; Newark; and Washington, DC. The study, which was conducted by the Urban Institute, is the first to use paired testing methods across multiple sites to examine landlord treatment of voucher recipients. You can read the executive summary of the forthcoming study, which is titled “Pilot Study of Landlord Acceptance in the Housing Choice Voucher Program.”
Please join PD&R in person at HUD headquarters or via webcast on September 20, 2018, to take part in this important conversation on landlord participation in HUD’s Housing Choice Voucher program.
Posted September 4, 2018
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